^^I'm rEEn..USMKK stowdent..MiK HeaLTh SciEnCe in AuDioLOgY..NaK JaDi CLiNiCiaN DaH bEsA nATi..PinK AddiCTed..LuV cUTe sTuFF..InTeResT iN ArT.HisTorY.LaW..I Luv My ALLAH.mY MaMa.mY LaTe PaPa.mY BroZ.mY PwEnS n U (^_^)
:: Never Say" I love you " if you don't really care, Never talk about feeling, if they aren't really there.. Never hold my hand, if you're going to break my heart. . Never say you're to, if you never plan to start.. Never look into my eyes, if all you do is lie.. Never say hello, if you really mean goodbye.. if you really mean forever.. then say you will try.. 'Never say forever ', cause forever makes me cry.. "Do you love me because I am beautiful, or am I beautiful because you love me?"::
:: Mencintai seseorang tidak semestinya kita memiliki dirinya..Oleh itu sayangilah diri kita daripada disakiti oleh cinta kerna cinta tidak semestinya membahagiakan kita ::
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