According to a Cosmo poll, women are the ones getting extra action. Can you honestly say you've never smooched a random Romeo even when you had a sweet boyfriend?
Cosmo conducted anonline poll of 1,000 single men and 1,000 single women, and 55 percent of guys and a shocking 59 percent of ladies said they have cheated on a partner. We asked relationship therapist Bonnie Eaker Weil, Ph.D., author of Make Up, Don't Break Up, to explain why women are more apt to wander.
Women crave the endorphin high from the initial attraction they feel toward a new guy.
Girls may cheat because they feel taken for granted. A new lover gives them the TLC that their beau doesn't.
When women stress (especially over their guy), they may seek out another stud to lean on as a distraction.
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